Business Expansion
begins with
Personal Expansion.

Soul Business Expansion is about nurturing your being, offers, and clients equally so your business can evolve and thrive in harmony.
Welcome, fellow creators of the future of humanity!
Whether you are doing it one person, one group, one online program or one retreat at a time.
Soul-Driven Business Expansion
Your business is an energetic container created by you, the Universe and your Client’s collective. Your business reflects your frequency, and your ultimate goal is to allow yourself to let your essence broadcast freely and also enjoy fully your life.
However, you feel influenced by society’s definition of a successful solopreneur or get caught up in your thoughts, and that makes you question your intuition or how you want to expand. Deep down, you can feel that a 9 to 5 schedule, manipulative marketing techniques, or type A high-achieving methods do not work for you.
As a result, you are trying to apply new behaviours and patterns for your life and business and seek a more organic and intuitive way to expand your business according to your values and emotional system.
Let’s be honest: walking a path of newness can be confusing and destabilizing, especially because there are not many reference points to hang on to. If that resonates with you, you are likely part of those co-creating Earth & earthlings’ future, and strengthening your self-confidence, trust in the process, and connection to your inner guidance is essential!
The tools I create and channel are made for you then:
- Meditations
- Light Language activations
- Practical channelling
- Practical teachings
If you have landed here, it is probably because
you are looking for new and unconventional ways to grow your business.
You may have already tried the old-school methods of being hyper-organized and strategic in your approach, but you have come to realize that those methods are not working for you.
As a solopreneur, you may seek a more intuitive and guidance-connected approach to leading an aligned business.
However, finding your way and trusting your intuition can be stressful. You might need inspiration, guidance or reassurance that you are on the right track. You are not alone in this journey! We all need gentle reminders and inspiration.
The online programs offer Light Language meditations and practical tools to help you grow self-trust and faith in the process.
They also provide exploration tools and nerve-calming approaches to support your mind, emotions, and energy so you can let what is in your heart guide your steps and unleash the full potential of your business.
Welcome to you, creator of the future!
Trying new modalities and experimenting to find your way of managing and holding space for your business will lead you to find your way to blossom.
You might not see yourself as a path opener, but the truth is that you are walking an unmarked territory.
Your business and you chose each other based on your life experiences and the frequency you emit, allowing you to be yourself and find your unique style to inspire others.
Your work, whether it’s teaching, sharing, transmitting, helping transmute, or bringing beauty, opens up new possibilities and offers a space for others to grow.
You are a door opener, and, understandably, your journey can sometimes feel confusing or overwhelming.
This is where meditation and Light Language can help. Through the channelling I receive, my invisible coworkers bring frequencies and wisdom from future or higher dimensions to support and inspire trailblazers like you.
Your business matter but it doesn’t have to be serious all the time
Infusing joy and playfulness into the way you grow as a solopreneur will help you release fear and scarcity mindset and empower your intuition and trust in the process.
Fear and projections can easily slow a solopreneur success.
We can be so conditioned by how we think things should work or happen that we unconsciously create resistance to opportunities that may well empower our business.
I found that exploring my days through the lens of an oracle deck and practising a sense of humour as much as gratitude was way more powerful than limiting my possibilities with my mind.
The oracle decks I created are potent allies for self-exploration, whether it is for your professional or personal life.
Work with me

Becoming a solopreneur and creating your business was not an option; it felt like evidence that something needed to happen. Some will call it a calling, others a life crossroads and choice where lifestyle and work will mingle harmoniously.
As a result, your business, offer, product or practice had to be born!
Whether you are at the early stage of its creation or ready for a solopreneur expansion, something new is gestating in you, and you don’t have to birth it alone!
As a Business Doula, I’ll help you birth your offer, online program, website or vision for your business, as well as your branding, and content creation for your communication according to your needs.
7 One-on-One Business Doula Expansion spots per year.
I love working with driven people and helping them birth their projects, and I want to offer the best of my skills, attention, and services. To do so, I decided to only take 7 new clients per year in the one-on-one Business Doula Business Expansion offer.
Knowing that each client comes with its own background, I offer experiences adapted to your specific needs. Maybe you will need the full range of my services and sometimes just one part of it. This is what we will assess in a discovery call so that we can define the support you need for your business expansion.
Here are some examples of the topics we can work on together
From vison to Roadmap
Having a vision can be overwhelming, especially when you feel that it is bigger than what you currently know or have ever managed.
But the truth is, you probably don’t need to deliver your vision all at once. Just like growing a family, a network or a garden, a vision blossoms along seasons.
Therefore, you want to release the pressure that your vision may have awakened. One way to do so is to map your ideas and assess what would be a priority.
I’m not talking about goal setting here, but tuning into your universe and seeing what would be the most beneficial next step and point of focus for you.
With this themed coaching we will:
- Unveil your Universe and all it contains from your today’s lens.
- Spot the part of your vision guided by your mind and beliefs around the must-do or must-have.
- Tune in with the energetics of your vision.
- Reveal why you are the lighthouse of this vision and its message.
- Identify what is the priority to get to your vision and what are the next actions to take.
- Integrate the notion of flexibility and adaptability so that your vision can grow with you rather than entrap you in a self-made cage.
- Release the energy that may prevent you from embracing your vision.
- Create an energetic space for your vision to come to life as smoothly as possible.
To get there, you will enjoy meditations, channelling, practical coaching and exploration of the technical tools that could support your vision.
Birth Your offer
It is easy to get caught up in our heads when we try to write or express what our offer is about. However, your offer needs love more than brain matter to take shape and grow beautifully.
Your offer is just like a child; if you only attend to its logistics, it won’t grow as well as if you nurture it with your joy, passion and enthusiasm.
Therefore, I’ll take you on a journey to help you:
- Shape your offer according to its and your energetic imprint.
- Find your way to express it while being very clear on what it is about.
- Help you find the technical tools that could help you manage that offer (online or offline).
- Connect with why the Universe chose you to convey that offer and its message.
- See how this offer connects with your other offer, should you already have any or intend to create another soon.
- Assessing its design and impact on your lifestyle to make sure it is well crafted and healthy for you.
- Connect with your joy factor and learn how to use it as a healthy compass.
To get there, you will enjoy meditations, channelling, practical coaching and exploration of the technical tools that could support your offer.
Connect with your people
Finding who you can best serve is a challenge if you are anything like I used to.
At the core, you want to help everyone, but you also know that there are people that you can best serve than others. It is not a question of judgment, elitism, race or gender but of energy.
You have your specific energy and tempo, and it resonates with some people more than with others. You also resonate with some people more than others, and that shows up in you being able to deliver at your best when they become your clients.
Here we will:
- Connect with the vibration of the collective you can serve best so that you can better feel and understand their needs.
- Understand the points of resonance between your audience and you so that you can tap naturally into the right words and images to speak to them.
- Explore your energy, your rhythm and tempo so that you feel equipped to say “yes” or “no” when agreeing to work with a client.
- Explore how you think you would want to work with them to ensure that it remains ecological and sustainable for your lifestyle.
- Identify where you can connect with them (online or offline) according to your vibration and natural disposition.
To get there, you will enjoy meditations, channelling, practical coaching and exploration of the technical tools that could support your vision.
Find your expression style
Communicating is key when it comes to embodying your business and creating connections.
Whether you are expressing through flyers, your website, a meeting or conference, or on social media, you want to share your passion and what drives you to practice your art.
Quite often, self-censoring, impostor syndrome, fear of judgment, or humility might prevent you from communicating adequately.
In addition, you may sometimes feel that your content feels “dry” or “scholarly” and wonder how to connect better. Well, that is where your story and your clients or audience’s emotions, needs and experiences connect. And when you allow yourself that connection, your communication will magnetise and touch its audience more easily.
Here we will:
- Explore your story, your values, your passions (related to your work or not) and see what could be shared.
- Identify what you could speak about and create a communication roadmap, ensuring that what you share is consistent.
- Draft an editorial and see how consistency could benefit your social media (if you want to use it).
- Identify the keywords and themes you can speak about, share or even inspire people with while establishing trust in your professional quality and potency (expertise).
- Test different form of communication and see which feels the more natural and joyful to you.
To get there, you will enjoy practical exercises and homework that will help you dig into your story and how it can benefit others. You will also receive tools to help you stay consistent with your message throughout your entire communication.
Your branding is an expression of your essence. Through images and fonts, it speaks about your style and mindset. It informs people through a range of emotions, aspirations, and personal referencing and helps them feel and understand if you are the right person for them.
While you may think it is “just” about creating a logo, it is actually a way to help you be consistent with whatever picture or image you use on social media or your website.
Your visual consistency will help your people feel your coherence and grounding, reassuring them (even subconsciously) and helping you build a trustful relationship when connecting with you in person (or online).
To create your branding, we will:
- Tune in with your colour scheme and vibration to find the atmosphere of your brand.
- Explore your style (video, pictures, texts, etc.) so that you can find your natural way of expression.
- Connect with your collective and see what could visually be appealing to them while being true to you.
- Identify where you will show up and how.
You will also:
- Practice on feeling ok to be seen.
- Learn basics about design and how to make the most of Canva (free version).
- Learn about how visual consistency is important to create trust (yet it does not mean being fully rigid either).
At the end of our work, you will have:
- Templates that will give life to your website, social media pages, channel or newsletter.
- A logo or visual identity.
- A brand board to help you remain consistent in your future creations.
To get there, you will enjoy meditations, channelling, practical coaching and exploration of the technical tools that could support your graphic work.
Website Creation
Your website is an extension of your expression and essence.
Your website should express as much of your style and philosophy as your energy so that it speaks to the people you can serve best. Somehow it is the showcase of your practice or office, whether you are working online, offline, indoors, or outdoors.
What you want your visitor to experience when looking at your website is to feel your grounding and alignment. Words, images, or videos will help you convey that feeling and attract the people you can best serve.
My job is to help you express yourself and your essence while engaging with your audience. It is also to craft a website that looks and feels like you so that you can concentrate on its content.
To start creating your website, you will need to be clear about the following:
- Your offer
- Your clients
If you are not yet, you want to start with that, and then we will get to
- your Branding
And finally, craft your website with
- Organising your visitor’s journey and mapping your content.
- Applying your colour scheme and branding into a conducive design.
- Craft a design that looks great on mobile (85% of the traffic to a website starts there) and on a computer.
- Copywriting coaching so that you get appealing texts that speak clearly to your people.
- Connecting your website to the tools needed (CRM for newsletter, calendar or booking, access to membership, possible automation to gather emails)
To get there, you will enjoy practical coaching and exploration of the technical tools that could support your website and ease your work.
Sneak a peak at some of my website and branding creation portfolio
The beauty of helping my clients to become autonomous with their websites is that they can adapt and change them whenever they need or want. As each website is constantly evolving, I’m showing you in videos what I delivered to them, but since then, their site may have evolved with them.